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Game-changing Social Media Strategy Insight!

How to stop thinking like 2008 for your social media strategy in Asia?


You probably already know the famous “Digital Marketing Ecosystem infographics” highlighting every digital marketing channels. Most brands & agencies stick to this model for the past 10 years. Yet, the online ecosystem has dramatically changed since 2008. Here is how to re-think about your social media strategy

Game-changing facts!

  • On the fourth quarter of 2017, Facebook had 2.2 billion monthly active users, and WeChat had 1 billion monthly active users. Comparatively, in 2008, Facebook had 100 million users & Wechat did not even exist (launched in 2011).
  • The daily time spent on social networking by internet users, worldwide, increase by 50% from 2012 to 2017 (in minutes).
  • Now, in China, the average time spent on social media is reaching 110 minutes per day.

The social media commerce evolution is pushing major brands to deal with a highly challenging competition, to resist against new fast-growing competitors and to embrace alternative marketplaces. The organic traction such as foot traffic decreases, driving a profit decrease on mature markets…
On the other hand, digital agencies are pushing brands to cover more channels so they can seek more investments, not cool. “Unfortunately”, marketing budgets are not always extensible and this online marketing investment model doesn’t appear to be sustainable in the long term.
The digital investment balloon bursts!
Considering the online user behavior changes, and the economic context, agencies like Digital Business Lab & pioneer brands are implementing a new digital investment model. It is structured and centralized around social media hubs like Facebook, Youtube or WeChat!
The “2008 model” is now transitioning to a direct social media e-commerce. For instance, on WeChat, users are used to purchasing directly on the platform by leveraging Wechat Pay and native e-commerce integrations. In addition, in countries like Indonesia, Vietnam, or Thailand,  the direct order via Facebook & Instagram is a broadly adopted use…

Are you ready to think 2018?

  • Search Engine moving to Social Media Engine Optimisation. Users, and especially in Asia, are browsing the Internet thru Facebook, Wechat, etc.
  • From a traditional blog to a Youtube blog (Vlog) or native WeChat articles!
  • Online PR becomes Social Media Influencer Marketing.
  • SEM, Display, and Retargeting budgets are shifting to Social Media Advertising that offers stronger targeting capabilities based on user history and not based on cookies or “probabilistic data”.
  • The CXM, experience management, is activated on social media mini-apps, programs, and gaming. It is a central online brand experience asset.
  • CRM & emailing are replaced by Facebook & Wechat capabilities: chatbots, users management center, Facebook Live Chat, one to one custom messaging, etc.
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