Animated infographics highlighting Alibaba’s Consumer-to-Manufacturer Strategy posted as a video on Alibaba Group’s LinkedIn.
We turned non social media-friendly data into a playful and visually appealing piece of content that
encourages the worldwide audience to engage and learn more.
The Brief
After several successful collaborations and a solid partnership between the Chinese eCommerce leader and Digital Business Lab, our agency has been selected to support Alibaba Group boosting organic exposure internationally on their worldwide corporate social media channels.
Our agency designed highly engaging social media content and produced a series of data-driven creative assets on their highlighted trends and corporate communication.
The Solution
Over the duration of 1 month, Digital Business Lab produced cost-effective yet impactful social media content (posts and banners) inclusive of copy and design. We delivered professional, insightful, and educational infographics with animated elements.
Our team converted corporate communications and key trends into both static & animated infographics. They were distributed across Alibaba Group’s worldwide LinkedIn, Facebook corporate accounts & newsletters with an audience size of 1.1 million followers.
- Animated infographic (video): Published on LinkedIn
- Static infographic series: Published as a carousel on LinkedIn, Facebook, and newsletters.
As a result, these new content types posted on their social media channels proved a success. The carousel post on Linkedln in particular, increased engagement and reached a higher audience than their previous social media posts on similar communication.
Creative Design - Animated Infographics - Social Media Content Creation

A series of static infographics on Chinese consumer trends (each card highlighting one consumer group) was posted as a carousel on Alibaba Group’s LinkedIn.
Key Takeaways
Digital Business Lab leveraged static and animated infographics to reach Alibaba Group’s goals and exceed their expectation on their corporate communication campaign, with the following advantages:
- Bring social media content to life
Evolved from a static form of content, animation is a popular way of visualizing information using a combination of imagery, illustrations, charts, graphs, text, and other animated elements to add movement. Below are some of our learnings on animated and interactive infographics:
- Easy to share: Whether they are GIFs or videos, pictorial representations make them shareable. They have become some of the most shared content on social media.
- Easy to digest: These visual pieces of content are compelling to consume and easy to relate, making heavy content read-friendly and accessible to worldwide audiences.
- Increase organic engagement
Riding on the latest content trend,
- Short and interactive videos will continue to grow and proven highly successful in boosting engagement across social media channels. Similarly, animated elements help make ideas or information more interpretable and engaging.
Carousels have become the most engaging post type on various social media platforms – versus a single photo or video. The high engagement rate on the carousel series of static infographics on Chinese consumer trends posted on Linkedln is solid proof.
- Optimize content distribution
It could be a way to repurpose your existing content from sources (such as EDM, website newsroom, training/seminar, print ads, etc.) into different mediums to appeal to the audience and extend the reach. For instance,
- Recommendation for B2B: Publishing animated or carousel infographics to illustrate the latest trends or insights, and establish thought leadership on social media.
- Converting data or long articles to a series of animated infographics is highly preferred and leaves a long-lasting impression than plain text without images.
About Alibaba Group

Alibaba Group is a leading Chinese multinational technology company specializing in eCommerce, retail, Internet, and technology. (Taobao, Tmall, Lazada, Ant Group, etc)